September the 16 1863
Camp near the river Kirkland
Dear sister I now take my pen
in hand to in form you that I am
well at presant and I hope when th
few lines cums to to hand that
tha may find you well and all
the family tha ware A fight
hear yes terday and the day be fore
and we ex pected to go in to it but
we move on I seed george A mon
day an he was well and we m
our cam[p] the day be fore yesterday
but I hope that we wont
haft to fight yet the yankes
is gone I hope but sum think
tha are A ly ing back but
I hope not we my stay hear
A weke or longger but I hope
that we may came near to
north car lina so [??] that
we may nearer so that
we can get [???] [?????] A
gain an so I can [????] [????]
home A gain to se you all
for I want to see you all
myty bad nothing more at pr
[page 2]
snt I will close my letter by
saing rite soon an rite me
all the neuse
F M medlin To
Mrs mary willia