Camp near Gordonsville v.a
Dear Wife Nove the 10 . 1863
I take the plesure of writing you a few lines
This morning To inform you that I am well
as cold bee exsected after taking sutch a m[????]
as I have I and I am in hopes this will come
to hand in good time and find you and
family well this will inform you that
our army has fell back this side of the
Rappedan and and our brig gade is in
camps 7 milds north weste of Gordonsville
at the same camps wee was at in septem
wee had a rite smarte skirmish on sundy
laste though thear was nt any one hirte
in our company though some five or six in
the Regiment on saturday night laste
the yankeys charged Hokes Brggade in thear
fortifications and captured the intire Brigad
with the exceptions of very few men som
few made thear escape Capt yorke has
only 14 men in his company and 8 of
them was lefte in the camps they all so
captured some 400 of Hayses Brigad at
the same time though times is still
at presant though i dont now how
long they will remain so the yankeys
may follow us up and if they do wee
will fight them hearre I think
[page 2]
this will inform you thate I want
you to send me some more things in
addition to what I sente to you for l[??]
I want you to clean som chickens and
send them and send a bottles of sirup
and a few turnups and som meat to
cook with the turnups and som tobaco
if you can get it cheppe tell Martha
Trial to send me somthing in the
Box two something good to eat for
wee are seeing harde times heare in the
eating line I cant think of any
thing more to write so I will clos
I remain as ever your Husband un
till death
G. A. Williams
I want you to Be shoar that
[???????] [??]ming Before
you fix you Box and Be surtin to have
it at the depot in tim