

Camp near Gordonsville
Dear Farther } April the 5 1864
and Mother and children I
take the plesure of writing
you a few lines this eavening
whitch will inform you that
I am well as common hoping
theas lines may come safet
to hand and find you all
well and doing well I have
nothing interesting to
you more than I
safte to my company on
friday knight and found
all things rite and all of
the boys well though fearing
Bad Dick is well and harty
and remembers his love to you all
[page 2]
we have now news of in
terest more than Grant
had orderd 8 days rations
cooked som 10 days ago
though the weather contine
ues so bad that he cant
advanse It has bin snowing
or raining moste every day
for two weeks and is still
raning now and the mow
ntins and Blu ridg is co
verd with snow and ice
and has bin for 2 or 3 weeks
and the weather cold though
as soon as the weather settels
I am confident that wee
will have to try our hands
though if reports is true
[page 3]
whitch I hope they are wee
will Bee oute of it it is
roomerd in camps that
Col. Haywood is like ly to [Col. Edward G. Haywood]
get the 7th Regiment to
camp Thomes he has bin
home one furlow and is 8
or 10 days behind time and
Col Davidson recieve a mes [Col. William L. Davidson]
age from him yesterday
that all of his papers was
rite so far and he has Bin
to Richmond and has gone
Back To Raleigh and wee
are all in hopes that he wil
Bee successful in his un
der taking and are anctious
To See him return
[page 4]
The greate Govener vance
has Bin out heare making
speaches Though I dont
think they will have mu
ch affect more than he
will loose many voats by
speeking in the way he
did he wants to fight
untill hell freases over and
then figh on the ice and
wee are not willing to fight
so long as that and think Mr
Holden is not for fighting
that long and he is our choic
By a large majority I think
at least I think so I will
close for the presen I remain
as ever yors untill death G. A. Williams

April 5, 1864


Co. G, 7th North Carolina Infantry
Residence (County): 
Orange County, NC


Mother of George A. Williams
Father of George A. Williams


From State: 
From Municipality: 


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Sarah Pasquale
Transcription Date: 
April, 2011
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
June, 2011

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    University of Georgia
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