

Camp of instruction

January the 12. 1862
Dear Father I take my pen in hand
to drop you A few Lines to inform
you that I am well at presant
hoping this may find you ingoying
the Same blessing what I am writing
for now is to Let you know that I
have moved down to newbern we
arived here A sundy morning about
four oclock in the nite we Left Raleigh
Saturday eavening About dark and
travled all night we are all in the
fair groun now but we will not stay
here long at this place thair is A talk
of us going over the river at fourt
Lane about four miles from here
I Saw the fort yesderday but I was
on this side of the river I saw the
blockade thair that our men put thair
to keep the yankes from coming in to
[page 2]
newbern father it is A hurawing time
when we move but I have not Lost any
thing yet and also we cooked three dayes
rashing the nite before we Left Raleigh
to bring with us and if I had to
march I have got more then I could
cary handy but I get Along very well
I put my bedqulit and blankets in
A box nailed up with the oficers things
but handy or not I intend to cary
them you may be well assured that
I was pleased when I heard that
we was orderd to newbern Although
thair is danger here but thair is
A grate many Soldiers here and thair
is A rigment of horsemen here I hope
we Shall be prospers and come out
victourious over our eenamy father
I Saw A Sight to me yesderday it
was bumshells thair was About three
hundered in one and thay ware
[page 3]
as big as my head and the
Same quantity of balls and severl
peaces of cannon father after we get
Settled you must come and see me it
will not cost you much but I gess
how it is with you have to stay
home to take care of your things
I should Like to come and see you
but I thought I would Stay untell
my time was half out before I
tried to come for I Shant get
the chance to go but one time more if
I do then I want you to write
Soon and Send me word if you
got my the overcoat that I Sent
you by james mills I hope this will
will find you well and doing well
write soon and direct your Letters
to me at newbern post ofice craven
county in care of capt. C. burry
no more at presant. John Williams

January 12, 1862


Co. A, 35th North Carolina Infantry
Residence (County): 
Onslow County, NC


Residence (County): 
Onslow County, NC


From Note: 
not listed


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Andrea Cudworth
Transcription Date: 
October, 2010
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
November, 2010

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
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