Salisbury North Carolina
August the 14th 1862
Dear Wife
This morning I take my pen in hand
to answer your letter which come to hand yestarday
eavning I was glad to learn that you were all well
I am well enough withe exception of a bad coal
the rest are all well one of our company got his fingr
cut off one night in his sleep and he or nobody els
knows what or who done it, it never waked him
when it was done he waked up in the night and
complained of his hand hurting him, they got a light
and saw that his finger was cut they cant find out no
more about it, Last monday three hundred prisners
and three hundred of our men left here no more has gon
saince and no one knows for certin when any more will
go it may be two weeks before we all will get off they
will leave as soon as they can get conveyance
Sell the mewl and the Mair if you can get a good
price for them the mewl in porticular ask a hundred
for it dont take much less I think I could could get
that if I was at home whill grain will be high
and scarse besids the trouble with them
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We received our clothing yestarday my name being the
last on the roal I only got a pair pants the capt said
he would have me a coat shert and a pair drawers made we
got no shoes nor socks. they say this suit is all we will
get the rest we will have to find ourselvs
I sent to you Fifty dollars by J L Barrow which I
suppose you had not received when you wrote to me
as you did not mention it in your letter I want you
to sell stock if you need mony and keep all the
grain you can and save it with care I donot expect
to get to come home any more directly for there is
so many that wants to come home before they leave
and a good many that has not been at home atall saince
they have been down here will make it a bad chance
for me to come I will if I can I want you to wright
often to me and give me all the news you did not mention
in your letter whether you had any wood or not or whether
they had thrashed wheat or not I will close hoping
this may find all well wright often (yours respectfully
J C Zimmerman
M A Zimmerman