Camp Salisbury Near Richmon
September the 14th 1862
Dear Wife
I take the presant time
to wright you a fiew lines to inform
you that we are all well except John
Spease he has got the Mumps though
not so bad as some of the company
there is a great many sick in this
ridgment there is about thirty sick
in our company the complaints are
Mumps Measels feavor & chills we
have not recived any news from
home since we left Salisbury I want
you all to wright soon and often
We want to know how much wheat
we made and how you all come on
makeing brandy it is worth Twenty
dollers per gallon here If I had them
calfs I left at home I could get 18
dollers for them sheep is worth 12 a
piece there is a goodeel of Money
counterfit you all must be porticu[lar]
in what sort of money you take
I axpect John and Jackson has some
of it home They are going to send
some clothing and things home by
J. W. Beck I want you to tell Isack
that we kneed him here to work
[page 2]
on the brest works we are working
on brest workes in a half a mile of
our camp two hundred of this
Ridgment and two of an other
at the same time we have hard
times here our water is bad and
wood scarse we have corn bread
and beef to eat and not very plenty
at that peaches is worth 25 cents a
dozen you can tell from that how
muney goes if we buy ginger cake
25 cents a pisce half as big as this
paper there is now talk of leaving
here soon but we cannot stay
here very long on acount of wood
wood is worth 10 dollers for a
two horse lode pines at that I will
now bring my letter to a close
we would like to kow where
Sandford Shore is I had a fine
mess of fish this morning I caut
yestarday we sent some clothing
and Jacksons ove coat home they wer
left at Elias Voglers and some of
J. W. Banners things in the chist you
will kow them no more at presat
but reman your affectionat husban
Direct your letter to Richmon J C Zimmermen
57 Ridgment in care of Capt Mann