[this letter is written on the back of the previous letter]
Camp Vance Near Richmond Va
November the 2nd 1862
Dear Wife
I take the presant opportunity to
inform you that I am in good helth at presant
and hope when these fiew lines come to hand
they ma find you all enjoying the same blessin
I have no news of much importance to wright to
you we are at the same place that we wer when
I last wrote to you we cook up three days rashens of
meat and sent to Richmond and got our bread to march
but we did not go and I cannot tell the reason or where they
aimed to send us they is no Newspapers come to the Ridgmen
sience I recon they are trying to keep what is going on
from us some say peice will be made in a short time
I dont think so where we was to go I cant find out
for certin some say to weldon. there is only about two [hundred?]
and fifty men able for duty out of Eleven hundred sixty
in the Ridgment I dont think we will stay at this place
verry much longer some one said W Clayton would start
home from the hospitle this morning if he comes home
you can send that Box by him when he comes back
Isaac B Wright is complaining very much and Jackson is
not able for duty We have received our Bounty and
two months wages seventy dollers I would send some
by letter if I was not affraid to risk it I may send
some in my nex letter if I donot get any chance
to send it by some one before I wright again I want
you to wright to me as soon as you get this letter your
letters come in three days and try and fill up a half
a sheat as I have paper a plenty and like to keep yours
to reed when I dont get any in some time I will now
bring my letter to a close no more but remain yours &c
J.C. Zimmerman