Fredericksburg Va
Decmber the 14th 1862
Dear Wife
I am still spard and
able to send you a fiew lines to
inform you the sad news that we
was ingaed in battle with the
enemy I reced a small woung in
the right hand disableing me
for duty at the pesan we nearly
lost all our company out of fifty
eight over half was killed or
wounded I will give you a list as near
as I can who was kill an wounded
J Fulton. leg
W sulivan Leg
Georg Borum Leg
G Coltrane hand
A lowery foot
James Marshall (amputated arm
L. Rich leg
Si, Ogburn 3 places
W Nelson fot
J. W. spease bowels
T. Mathus
Jas. Barrow
Ver. Pfoff nee
John Flynt hip
Ed Lasly
Jo Hanes thigh
Isaac Wright hip
[page 2]
Cal Hoover, hand
Wm Richmond foot
Killed or missing
Capt Butner killed
S C Pullem do [1]
John Conrad do
J Libengood do
AB Libengood do
Henry Rich do
Isaac Wright is only a flesh wound he can go a little [2]
F Bell and several others
amissing J W spease is very bad
off there was 80,odd wounded in
the ridgment 15 amputation it
was an awful time one bullet passed
through my hat and one cut my
blanket on my sholder 5 capt was
killed and wounded in the regt
they have been fireing some to
day Jackson was with the ridgment [3]
this morning not hurt I must
close as my hand hurts so I cant
wright any more so no more
but yours afectionatly J C Zimmerman
- "do" means the same
- written in the right side margin
- Andrew Jackson Spease