Camp Near Fredericksburg Va
January the 10th 1863
Dear Wife
I again take the opportunity to
send you a fiew lines I am only tolerable
well at presant I have the rumities and
I dont feel well I think it is coal I hope
these fiew lines may find you all in good
helth we are at the same place that we
was when Sidney was to see us I was verry
to see him come I should be glad to come
home they have begain to give a fiew furlows
one man in each company F. Shamble got one in
my company I dont expect to get one in some time
if ever. We are fairing verry badly at this time
We have bad leeky tents wood is geting scarse
and we suffer verry much with coal We are geting
only half rashens I could eat all that is allowed
me for a day at one meal and there is no chance
to buy anything the officers get all the extra
provision that is brought to the ridgment If I
only had some good meat or sosags and butter
I wish you could send me a box with something
if it was only a pone of corn bread you can send
a box of any size you want to by express is the
safest way to send a box a person can get a trunk
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through very handy a person cant hardly get
a box through some was six or seven day eting
through I would insist more for you to send
me a box if you had any way to get it to
the depot if you and the old mans folks
would send me and Jackson a box a piece it
it would not take so powerfull long to go
and put the boxes on I should like to have a
some seage pepper some dride fruit some 4
or five galens brandy and as much but as you can
get I can sell all that I dont kneed to pay
expences there is a lot of boxes come to the
depot for this and other regt I was sorry to
here that John died of his wounds no telling
how he suffered Wm Richmond has saince
died No one has any assurence of his life
here a man had just as well prepair for
death that is the only thing that will
relieve one here they die one most every
day and one dont know but what his
time will be the next I must close as it
is geting dark I will send this letter by
Shamel to salem Direct your letters to
Richmond Va Co D 57 Regt in care of Capt
Gray and the boxes in the same way
if you send any your most affectionate
husband J C Zimmerman
M A Zimmerman