Camp Near Port Royal Va
Feb the 28th 1863
Dear Sisters
I take my pen
in hand to inform you that
I am well at presant and
hope when these fiew lines
come to hand they may find
you all well I have not
herd from home saince the
sixteenth of this month
From what Adaline rote She
expected they would get Sidny
I saw Mat Clayton yestarday
he said he expected sid did
not get a discharge Mat Clayton
said he saw pap last Friday
when he went over to Solamons
Huffmans he said pap did not
know whether sid got a dischar[ge]
or not Sam Flynt got a letter
from Wm Flynt yestarday and
[page 2]
I have not received a letter form
home in a month
Hee wrote that he had to go
last wednsday Mat Clayton said
he would a gon by and told
Sid if he wanted to come to
the 57 Regt he would have to come
right off but he did not know
then if he would have to come
or not If he has to go and
dont try to get to some certin
Regt he may be sent to one
where he knows no boddy or is
not acquainted with any one
I would be glad if he could
come to this regt but he can
do as he chooses about it
I must close my letter as we have
to go to see a man shot belongin
to the sixth Regt this eavning at
one a clock to morrow or next day
we will move back to Federicksburg
Write soon I remain your Brother
A.JB. Spease
Miss S & E A Spease