No the 12 1862
Governer vance dier Sir by
request of my docter i drop you
a few lines for infermation i have
bin under his handes for severl
year and more so in the last six
monthes i suffer vary much with
the rumatice in my hip and my
liver he advised mee to get a dis
charge or bee deetailde to a farme
to my one or some one elce that
i cold doo more good at that than
eny thing elce for i warnt fit
for servies nor never wold bee
a gain i have bin in servies for
six month and has bin of now
servies at tall of eny importance
dier sir if this meetes with my requ
est i will send you a stiffacite
from my docter pleas grant mee
this if you pleas as my health
is vary feeble and i have
[page 2]
five brothers in the same compen
ny and now one at home to cair
on a farme i am now in
fayetesville as garde but cant
bee of much im portence
pleas ancier this and give mee
your advice pleas excuse
bad riting and bad spelling
and i remain yours truley
untell death
Samuel James Guy to
Govener Vance
rhauley NC Comberland
County dyrc your ancier
to fayetsville N C
Govener Vance [the Governer has added at the bottom of the page]
Gov no power to detail or discharge him