State of N C Granvill County
November the 13 day 1862
To Z. B. Vance Governor of N C
My Dear sir I send you a few lines
to ask of you want ought to be done
with aman who refuses to take
Confederates notes in payment of Debts
[I?] what corse the Law woods have
with him and if I cant do any thin
-g with hime I want you to urge it
on the presant Legislator to do somthin
-g that will compel such person
to take Confederate notes in payment
of Debt I am owing aman som mon
ey and he refuses to take Confederat
money in payment of what I ow
him and said that I could not
git my note without the Goal &
silver but that he did not
demant of me I have binn to
to the man I ow and have offer
ed him both instrust and princi
pal in the presence of three
respectible witness and he refus
es to tak it from me and giv
me up my note I think you
ought to preess such men in
to servis
[page 2]
or cose them to loose the Debt
for I consider such men and enemy
to our country for if we had
enough such men our contry would
be ruined fo the credit of the
southern Confedercey would be
ruined If you have the time I
would like to have your vuse
on the matter and urge it on th
Legislator to do somthing with such
men for they are and ingury
to our country my adress is
[??nass? of? Roads?] Granvill County
N. A. Waller
[added by the Governor]
The Gov has
no power to
make Confed-
erate money as
legal tender
to do it -