Peace Institute Hospital Nove the 1862 [space for date left blank ]
Der Sir I avail myself
of the presant to drop you A few lines
for information I am A privat in compina
A 8 redgment N.C. troop my residence
is pasquatank County and I have
Some three or fore negrows and my father
has some eight or ten which we wold
like to guet our of the reach of
the enamy I have applide to the
Adgent General for permition to go
after them and he wold not grant
it. I received A note from home A
few days ago which statid ther was
some mean men who had ben trying
to guet our negrows to leave ever
sence I had left and wanted me
to come home and guet them my
father is old and canot attend to
any thing of the sort over
[page 2]
I do not know wheather any thing
of this nature will come under your offic
=ial dutis or not if it dose you will cofer
A lasting favor by grantin me the
permition to go and bring them out it
Seams hard for me to be cut off from
home and in the servis and not be permited
to try and save my property though it
is but small it wold be so much to
me if I cold save it you will pleas
answer this and guive me insruction if you
want any Referance you might call
on Mr W. E. Mann Joseph S Cannon
C. G. Elott or my captin W. H. Bagly
yours most respect Anthony W Morgan
To his Ex Z. B. Vance