state of N C Randolph county
jan the 6th 1863
Mr Z. B. Vance Govner of the State
of north carlinia Dear Sir i imbrace the
opertunity of addresing you with my
considtions i hav only one sone which is
in the arma and hee is the onley help i
hav and all the chance i hav for supporting
mee i am A Bout 70 years of age and nearly
helples and without i can get my Son to
come home and take kear of mee tha
is all Probabilaty of my sufering
and i dont no enna other chance to get him
home only to ast you to giv him A
detail as times is so at presant that
A man cant get A furlow neither can
tha get A discharge i hav Bin informd that
you had it in youre power to grant details
and by the good charector i hear of you i
hav no doubt But you will giv my Son
A detail to come home and take kear of mee
as i hav no purson elce to see to mee
i shall wait on you for an answer with the
patince all the pursons that assigns this paper
knows the A Bov to Bee tru
my sone was A conscript and in the 63 redg of [??]
[page 2]
all pursns that is wiling to testafy to the forgoing
part of the papr to assign thare names
to the paper
Elizabeth nance to govner vance
Martin Millr
J. W. Ridge Kenley M E[??]
Newton C Green B Ragan
John Hulen John .W. Wood
John Nance Jane . Pierce
marshel Nance Mary . Noe
Thomas Nance Mary Peacock
Henry F Bell Martha Nance
Nelson . Peterson Sarah Miller
Johnathan Robbins
Sara C Wood
Emley M Leuis
Litha E davis
duva Noha
Priseley Liues