Draughans Store Sampson Co, NC
Feb the 19th 1865
We the under Signed Citisens of
the aforsaid County do certify on
honor that Mrs Elizabeth Tew
a lady of the age of 81 years
the said Elizabeth Tew is nearly
blind and is vary hard of hearing
and her Sone M.K. Tew is her
only dependance to take care
and provide for her the Said M
K Tew being Subject to conscription
by only 2 months the Said
Elizabeth Tew takes this method
of asking your Excelency Govenor
Vance if there is any way that
She could retain him from
the Service please answer this
as Soon as it comes to hand
I. C. West
Batt.. Lee
Jason Willeford
Warren Willeford