[Bristol (b. ca. 1810) was a wealthy Clay County farmer.]
Clay county N C March 10
To his Excelency Govrnor
Respected Sir Havin Bin
appointed salt agent for this
county I have Bin two trips
to salt ville va I have Got
the salt from Mr. woodfin
But it seamis I cant Git it
shiped & consequently we have
to do with out the Dificulty
they say is to Git it shiped from
salt vlle to Bristol Mr. dodamede
the superintendant on that Part
of the Road uterly refuses to
ship our salt cherrokee is in the [Cherokee County, NC]
same fix my ob Ject in writing
to you is to implore your aid
Per haps you could do or say
sum thing that would cause him
ship our salt Relieve a long
[page 2]
sufering community we are
sufering fer salt & a Planty
at the works we cant Haul
it is too far & moore all the
Teames have Bin Baught up
By the Goverment agents
if it is PossiBle for you to do
any thing for us I hope you
will yours very Respectfuly
G.W. Bristol