Little Rockfish N C
April the 23 1863
Mr Z. B Vance Govorne of the
State of North Carolina
Dear Sir I rite you a few
lines praing that you ma youse
your influence in having Christopher
A Cameron releast from punishm
ent: I will State his case to you he
volunterd in Tennissee [1] some time last
yeare and got a furlow to come home
and the conscript come on and he did
not no whare his Company was and
came to Fayettevill and Seen ca[p]t
Tailer and Staited his case to him and
Cat Tailor tol him to colunteer
under him at the Fayatteville
arsnel and it would al be rite with
him and he don So and Some time
after and Some of the rest
went down Town with out permit
he was punished mutch worse than
any of the rest and after being in
prison he brok out and was cot
and Sent to Col Brag at
[page 2]
Chattanuga Tennisse the Col of his
regte and I Pray if you can have him
releast from punishment you will
rite to Col Brag and have him releast
the conversation that past betwen
Cameron and Capt Tailor can be
poved by two responsible wittineses which
or that was presant when he volunterd
Yours Truly
George W Cameron
PS you will please rite me what
you can do for him GWC
- in Co. A, 6th Tennessee Infantry