June the .15. .1863.
We the female Sect off ..NC. Rutherfordton. doo Sertify
that we are unwilling to put up with the treatment that
theas Spectulaters are treating us with .We. have concluded
that we had rather have apear off Shwleathers than a pound
off homade Copperers we can doo better with Cop with Shoes We want to send
a coppers miner to exchange for a tanner our tanner volenteer
d in 1862. thinking the ware woldent last long and was
willing to doo his duty in dfence off his Country he Says if
the Ware department will releas him hewill come hom
and Serve the naborhood in his yard on the Same terms as he
did before .We. doo beg and pray that you the Govener
off our Confedrecy will interseede for the Female sect
as they haft to interseed to the Govner for thear neces
itys we cant tan leather our Selves or we wold be willing
to tryet .We hope you will be kind to us in this as you have
in prvide for the wives and Childrens of the poore vol.
unteerd we will as you if you will intersede to the ware
depeartement in our behalf to Send the Said Samwel
Norville back to his tan yard in whitch he had ben in
gage in for the last .7.years and served us well in his
buisiness we hoep you will be so kind as to inter seede
for our necesitys we can do better with out any thinelce
than we are una ble to pay the prices off the
Speculaters theas tanners tride is so ungeners thay
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will Send thear leather to the hiest markets and we cant getit
[20?] dollars for one pear off shoes is morre than we are able to
pay the said .S. Norville prmis to serve us as he did before
he volenteerd if they will let him off we hope you will
See to this for the benif off the Female sect we have
Seen and all your procklimations we are mutch pleas
with them you have dun well so fare I hope you will
See that the Said : Samuel Norville: be releast for the benifit
off this [????] naborhood we will take it as the greateast faver
that ever has ben be Stowd on us sence the ware
Commence we war un aprise off the necesity off atan
ner at the commencement off this ware but we are
a prise off it now who are Suffering for the use off
Shoes half the ladys in Rutherford. county hast
to Stay at home from church for the want off a pear
off shoes the say the never did go to church beare foot
ted sence they weare grone and they will haft to Stay
or go beare footted for they cant ge Shoes the people in
this nabor hood says theas speckulators Shant have thear
hides the have treatte us so mean thears hides a nou
gh in this nabor hood to Shew the people if we cold
get them tand on fare termes as the Said Samuel
Norville promis to serve us if per mitted to doo soo
it wold be verry excepttible with the sitessons
in this naborhood to re leas the said Samuel . Norville
for the buisiness in whitch he had ben in gage in for
the last .7. years and did welland mayd good leather
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pleas let mee inform you the Govner off the bad
off the farmers in taken thear handes from the
farm and going in to the cappers mind in order to
Make money faster and then will tell to lye
our provisions that this confedreate money is not off
longe duration in order to speculate all they can
the magority off the people is to put aStope totheas
farmers maken somuch off thiss stuff to eate up
all the yarn the people makes we can colour withoute
out any off the stuf f it is the wors thing we had to
contend with sence the ware I hope you will see to
farmers maken somuch coppers and neglecting, thear
farms when provisions is so scears and so hie com
mon people cant give .5. dollars per bushe for corn when
Salgers only gets the Sum off .11. dollars per mounth
So we will leave the question with you I hope
you will grant our request as our neede sessetys ar
sever at this time and will no doute get worse
if thear ant some done for the people in this na
borhood .Mr. vance you pleas make this known to
the ware department as arequest off the female sect
to releas the Said: Samuel: Norville a sitison off .NC.
Rutherford county: his locatine when at home about
[01?] miles from the island ford betwen that and