July 24 1863
Mrs govner zeblon B Vanc Sir I
hav got a paper hear that
was sent to me I will Send
hit to you hit is a true Stat
ment abougth me and hit
is not Sirfishen for me to gite
off to go home I am Dezeas in
tha brest So I am no acont
I hav ben so five year and five
month this paper it in
hear will Show you how
hit is I Want you to fix
hit So as I can go home if
you pleas Sir I Will Stick
hit in with thes few lines
so you can See hit I want
you fix hit if you pleas and
send [?] hit back to me as
Soon as you can Send hit
if you pleas Sir
Rich ard Anderson to
Mrs Zebelon B Vanc