July the 28th 1863
Dier Sir
I Direct you a fue lines to Inform you of
the Situation I am left in and Beg your
Kind Releaf I am a verry pore weakley man
and has a family of seven Small childern
the oldest is only Eight year and a fue days
old now there is a caul for more men which
Reaches my age and if I hav to leav my crop
wil Be lost as I hav no one to do a lick of
work But my Self and my wife not wel
able to Sea to hir childern
I have Bin advisd By Severl frends to Rite to
you and Beg permision to Stay with my family
untel I could gether my crop and fix Better
for them So if you will thrue your Kindnes
permit me to stay until I can gether my crop
I can Stay and if you Say no I must goe and
leav my family to Suffer
Sende me ananser as soon as posable I Send
you the postage in the letter A.D. Bracy
at Alfords Ville NC.
[page 2]
A good many of the Sitzens hav told me
to git up a subcription and git Siners to
it &c I can git names of the hiest Rank
in this section if it would Be nesesary
so nothing more
yours most Truly Alex .D. Bracy
Alfords Ville N,,C