Liberty v.a. August the 5 1863
to Mr govern vance of N..C
I J..D Hudson of the State of N..C Burke
County PO Send you a few lines
to inform you of my condition
I am a volenteer in the Confedeate
Servis and is not abel for the Servis
by having a hard Spell of the feaver
about 10 monts a go and Just have
had a letter from my father and
mother tha ar in a faring bad at
this time living by ther Selves
and my mother is nearly Right
blind and has binn unwell
all Summer and nobody to
take Cear of them a tall I am
all the Son my father has got
for the want of me at home
and I want you to wright to
me wheather you can do anything
for me or not I am in the horse
pital and have binn a long time
your truly John D Hudson
Send me a few lines as quick as
posible to liberty v..a Camls horepital
Mr. Z. B. Vance go[v]