State ov North Carolina Aug th 11 day
Mr govnor vance Sir I dow not understand
whether I be forgiven or not an pardoned by Mr
Pres i dent Davis in case that I dont understand
what con vic tion is I am acused ov a running a way
severl times has Stood one trial was found guilty
Mr govaner vance Sir pleas to rite to me
an let me noe where I be par don ed by Mr
pres i dent Daves or not an also by you
if I am for given an pardoned I Shall return
to my post an duty ef I am pardoned pleas to
per long the time near two days in divid ual ly for me as
I Cant git a her ing from you be fore the time
that the pres i dent has set is out
your Servent John Herring
Direct you letter to
New hill wake county N C
[Herring had an additional letter delivered by hand to the Governor.]
August the 12 d 1863 Der Sir Mr Gov Vance Sir
I doe informe you that I doe not understand by Mr
Pres i dent Daveses proc la ma tion whether I be pardoned or
no as I doe not under stand the con vic tion I am a cused
of Smart Stood one trial was found guil ty Mr Pres i dent
Davises proc lema tion ses all Soldiers ab sent with dout leave
that dos re turn back to thir Company by the 20 day ov aug
is amnity par doned except those who has bin twice
convic ted for deser tion Mr govnor vance gov nor ov
north Carolina Sir I requst ov you to rite to me Sta ting
to me whether I am pardon or not by Mr Pres i dent
Davis an all Soe by you Mr Gov vance by re turn ing
back to my Com pany an ef I am par doned I will
re turn to my Com pany an dudy an will declear
to every man that I am noe deserter an will prove
it by Showing ov my hand ov will en ness in the
field pleas to let me here from this by this lady
your Obe diant an um ble Servant
John Herring