[Blackburn served as a private in Co. A, 5th NC Inf.]
Robeson County NC
Sept the 22nd 1863
Mr. V.B. Vance
Govenor of NC I take the oppert
of writing yow afew lines for the
Purpus of askin you for a tran
fur noing that you ar a feailing
man for the Souldieres from
this state I am a Souldeires
I volentiered April the 15th 1861
I was one of the firest from the
state I have been as good a souldier
as any Boddy and has tried to do
my duty as hard and I have got
officers that know Boddy cant
satisfy and I Cant Surve under
them unless I am obliged too
they wount Give me a transfur
and if you please give a transfur
or a Reccamenation for one
[page 2]
I left my company on the 22 ond
of July without leaf which I
hated to do tough I cant stand
my officers I want too go back
perviding I can go to some other
compay for I shant never
go Back to the same compay
any more if I can help it
I havent advertiser yet
if yow will give me the cance
of going to a nuther company
I will go rite away and they
wonnt know any thing about
it pleais answer soon and
let me know whither you can or
not youre most obediant &
homble souldeer
John .W. Blackburn
pleais answer soon and giv me
leaf to join nuther compay
Respectfuly J.W.Blackburn
[page 3]
I will give yow my compay
and Regment Co A 5th N.C
Capt Benj Robinson
Col T. M. Garrett
Direct youre letter to
Leaisville Robeson county N.C