[Herring served as a private in Co. I, 8th NC Inf.]
this October 12th 1863
Brooklyn PO N.c
Govrner Vance I this day Seat my
self to beg pardon un to you and
I hope that you pardon unto me
I nowe that I have don rong and
I am sorry for the Crime I will state
to you my caise I in July 1861 volun
terd to Julious rite hee told mee
that hee had acompany nearley maid
up and when the truth Caim out
hee onley had seven men so hee tuck
ous and [???]d us in acompany from
Alamance County and hee Got thir first
lieutenants plaise and wee staid in that
Co untill wee wais tuck prisoners at
Roan oak after the perroal wais out
I went Back to the old Co again and
tharee wais only one man in the Campany
that I ever sawe bee fore and hit seam
id like the had aspite at ous as wee
wais from Columbus so I got tirde of
thare Gaim and I left the Co and
I do beg unto you to let mee go
to som other Regment I did not
leave bee cause I wais a coward nor
[page 2]
bee Cause I wais afierd of servis
and I am as willing to pay my best
in the Survis as any one in the Con
federsy & Govener vance bee pleas let
mee go some whare elce please let
mee Go to Captain [?]Kinsons Co in the
50 Regment I have fore brothers in
that Co or to Mr Ruyes Co or to
mr Rankins Co I have ac cuaintences
in theas Companyis and if you will
sine mee to eather of thos Co
I will assure you that I will bee
as faith full a Soldier thare is in
the Con fedrsay I no that I owe my
Servisis and I am willing to pay
them please Govener answer
this for I am tirerde of lying
out yours moust obedient servant
Jacob herring