South Carolina Laurens Dist March 11
Dear frend I take my pen in hand to drop you
a few lines to let you & all the rest know that
We ar all well and Well Pless With our home hoping
When this come to hand it Will find you all in
like manor I recived your letter you Wish to
know if I will let Mrs Barkley goo in my house
she has leave to goo in if she will give place Whene
ask to and take cere of the house Will and all that
is on the p[l]ace and you must see that no gree tinber
is distroid as I know not how suuch may sell
it I will traid it for a small negor you must
pay my tax or Rubin Willson and send the
rest of the money to me or to mothers
Avary and you will oblige I have to stay at
home of a night we have had the chance of
going to see eny of our connetion sence
chrismas We live at home and bord at the
same place yours respectley
william P Traynham
to J. B. O Barkley
N B Write and come When you
can & all the rest the sociation Will
be in fore Miles of your house so ends