

Blowing Cave Decatar County
Mr Barrow Der Sir Sept the 19 1851
I have Re ceve your letter of the 28 of august stating that you had not eny letter from me [??] Con serning my Staying with you I have Riten to you a Bout it and what I wanted you to dow I will State in this what was in the first I Send that I would stay for three hundred and 25 dollars and find me the Same you did if you did not say when you Come that I ought to have three hundred and fifty and I think in stid of three 325 and I want land a nuff for my little forse to worke un less we Can worke them all to Gether and let me have such a parte for [??] thar worke So this will Be for you to Say what you ar willing to dow for I now you will loos nothing By it for I Call my self and honest man and it is So and two much so for my one Good But this one thing shall Be [??][??] sead of Harrison when he is ded and Gowuen that thar is one honest man Gowen So I want to her from you as this is the forth letter I Riten Sence you write to me first a Bout staying her I shall Con Sider my self at home
I have not much Good to write a Bout for the storm has throwun me back witih my worke Be sides it has Cut my Crop of Cotten off a Bout 50 Bales I have Bin in it more now in a week then I had in three weeks Be fore for I Could not leve the hands while at worke one my Gin hous as I had it to Bild I have Got it dowun and I was Jest three weeks lakeing of half of one day from the time I struck the first lick untell I started the Gin a Gane and I have put up a Good hous it is one a mung the Best I hav three floors and five Rooms three Be low and two a Bove and think you will a low me sumpthing for it at lest a nuff to pay for mending my Buggy as it Got Caught under the Gin hous now for my Cotten I have Got 70832 lb of Cotten [??] out and Got 20 Bales Gind and pack and the Cotten Sence the [??] storm is the worst to pick I ever have had in my life But I am a having of it pick tolerable [?] cleen and what make it wors it is dowun one the [??] Growun and has Got the Rust with all I never Bin in such a tite Be for But I shall Git throw after a while Sat has dowun no worke snece the 12 of august But I think he can

[2] tow to worke in a weeke or 10 days old ned has Bin dowun a Bout 3 weeks
with his old Complaint and March and Emaline ar sick all the Rest ar well we have Good wether now and have had for a Bout 10 days My Stock all looks well I have not Gethered no Corn yet But six loads my pees ar Good tha will faten my meet I think this is a Bout all I want to her frome you I am sorry to her that you have the small Pox up thar
what time will you Be dowun I must let (torn) By [?] as sining [?] my self your frend
Give my Respect to all of your family for well
for two weeks
J. M. Harrison
(on back of page)
Mr D. C. Barrow
Oglethorpe Co

September 19, 1851



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