April the 22 burg va
Camp near Fredericks
Dear Wife it is with pleas
ure that I seat myself to in
form you that I am well hoping
when this comes to hand that it
may find you all in the
blessing of health my dear I
received your kinde letter dated
the 1[9?] it come to hand on the
20 I want you to tell me how
many [??????] [?] have got and if
farther [??] send me [?] [Some?]
not [????]me how all the [??]
tell [?????????] have moved now
[our?] [????] from Whare We Was
nearer to hameltons crossin but
We moved on the 20 the reason
my dear I did not ancur your letter
before today We Was building our
our house and chimney We have got
it up again it saves toating lots
of wood so turn over to the other side
Page 2
my dear I have no newse to write
at the present times is quiet as
fare as I know I Saw a balloon up
over on the yankey side they want
to see if we are gon my dear you
said in your kinde letter that you
wanted me to come home before
long my dear you now that I Want
to bee tharr as bad as you Want
me tharr but I dont look for any
furlows to bee granted so if I dont
get home at that time dont let
that trobele you so I g[??] you all
the newse I have [?????????????]
will [JJ?] is getting [??????] and
begin to talk and eat I hope he
[?]ell soon bee well so I will close
by asking you all to write soon and
tell me all the newse at home
so I ever remain yourse truly tell
sis and your farther to write I hav
wrote to boath of them J J amick Mrs
M.C Amick A love at home