chatonooga tenessee november the 3 1863
Dear Wife it is With pleasure
that I Seat my Self to drop you
Afew lines to let you know that
I am not so Well at present I
have had the cold and I had the
feaver acuply nites but I feel
Some better today my dear the
times have [???] about like they have
been So fare as I know my dear
I have but little newse to Write
at present We have moved about
2 miles nearer to lookout and my
dear I must tell you that We Was
all court martialed on the 26 of
october but they have never told
us What they Was giog to do With
us but I don’t think that they
Will do anything With us or at
least I hope they Wont So I hope
those few lines my reach and
finde you all in good health
My Dear I have got nary letter
From you sence E. L. amick come
[page 2]
my Dear I Wrote to you on the 24 and
enclosed 21 dollars in it for you and
I Would like to hear if you have
got it or not but I hope that you
have got it before now if you get
this letter before you start our
box please send me some butter
and dry some red pepper and
grinde it and send it two and
Afew onions Write soon and tell
me how mutch corn you got an
if the government taken any
of it and tell me if you have
the promis of any one to sow you
Wheat get some one to split you
rails to mend the oald bottom
fence if you can the Sun Shines
very warm today tell your father
that I am looking for aletter from
hem evry day So I must close
by asking you all to Write
soon and fail not So I ever
remain yours truly James J. amick
Mrs M.C. Amick