

Camp near gordensville va. april 28 1864
Dear wife after giving you my love
and best respect I will try to
inform you that those few lines
leaves me well except I have the
cold pretty bad at present truly
hoping those few lines may reach
you Soon and finde you all well
and enjoying all the [????] bless
of god I received your kinde letter
yester day of the 21 and I was truly
glad to heare that you was all well
and doing as well as you are but sorow
to hear that you have had such bad
luck with our Stock but I cant help
it that allways has ben our luck
but we Shold bare it with patients
for gods will must be done and not
ours I will say to you that I was
truly glad to hear that you have
heard from brother D. J. if it be
true what you heard and I hope
that it may be so Dear Wife I want
you to write to me as soon as you
[page 2]
get this letter and tell me how come
from the yankeys and whare he
lives if you know Dear Wife I
have drew me Agood suit of clothes
coat pants and drawers dont send
me any clothes for if you do and
we have to march I will have them
to throw away for the weather is
getting warm heare it begins to
look [????]ing oald va is the
best plase I have ever Struck in
the ware for rations and clothing
I giv you astatement of the rations
that we drew Sence we got back in
va. is apound and ¼ of meel one ¼ of bacon
to the man for aday Some rice and
Shugar and coffee as for any thing
else I have no enteresting newse at
present but if you can send that
box Send it Soon So I will close by
asking you all to write Soon and fail
not I ever remain your loveing hus
band James. J Amick to Mrs
M.C amick

April 28, 1864


Company I, 15th South Carolina Infantry
Residence (County): 
Lexington County, SC


Residence (County): 
Lexington County, SC


From State: 
From Municipality: 


To State: 
South Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Melissa McGinnis
Transcription Date: 
April, 2009
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
October, 2009

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    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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