Richmond VA Sep 12 1862
Dear Brother I now take
my Pen in hand with the
grates pleasure to write to you that
I and Brother Sam is well at this time
and I sincere hope that this letter ma
fin you and all the Boys in good helth
I received your letter on the 11 I was glad to
hear that you was all well but I am
sorry to hear that your fair is so bad
John I am faring better now in ever
respect. than I every have since I have
bin in service Our Cavelry or at lest
the squadron that I did be long to
has had one Battle Tuesday morning last
Two Companies of virginia and one of Georgia
Cavalry in all numbering some 370 men
made a brilliant dash upon the Enemy
at Williamsburg in which they succeeded
in inflicting pretty severe punishment on
the rest of yankee thieves quartered at
[photograph of pages 2 and 3 too blurry to read]
[page 4]
in and it was William Martin John Horssey
was in two and several others that you no
all of them got the chance to shoot at the
yankees not fother than 50 yards John I
tell you that I would like to bin in the
fight I woul bin willing to risk my
chance thar since I herd they was so few
of our men hurt. John you requested me
to write to you wether I new whear Georg
e Furlick was the last I herd of him he was
driving Abilonces his Company than had
bin in two or three Battles Elvin Knotts was
killed and Fellow Brooker and one of Flakes
all so and sevral others that we no but thar
Rigment is now in Marland som
whear or nother John Smith Brother
Gim is dead he died here in the hors
pittle to day he was left here sick wen
the Rigment come thru here. John
I tell you that we have the uper hand
of the yankees now and I dont think that
the war will last much longer I must
Bring my letter to a close still remain yours till
Death John J Jefcoat B J P Jefcoat