

Richmond va Oct the 11 1863
My Dear wife and Child
it is a grait pleasure to mea in dead to rite to you
tho my hart is troble I hant heard from you
Since G W Culbertson cum thru this plase
this day was 3 weeks a go and you stated in that
letter that little budy was sick I am very uneasy
a bout home thinking tha is sumthing the matter
there I hope you have rit by the time you Get
this letter if you hant I wish you would rite a
mediately after reading it it will Gratify me the most
in the world to Get a letter from you Margret
I stated in my other letter that I started to
you last Sunday that I would find out whether I could
sind you fifty dolars in my next letter I went to
Putney this week and hee talked like hee would
let me off next week if hee dos I will Get home
by the time this letter dos and if I dont Get
off I will sind you fifty in my next letter
I have got a fifty dollar bill I want to find out
whether I will Get to cum before I Since it and
if I dont Get off next week I will sind it next Sunday
so if I dont Get home by the time this letter dos I want
[Page 2]
you to rite as soon as you Get it and let
me hear from you and little buddy as I am
very anctious to hear from you Oct the 11 1863
My Dear wife and Child I will finish my letter
Margret I have just got back from
Camp Jackson I learnd there that Sell
Fuller was at home that hee run the [1]
block Margret I want you to rite to
mea as soon as you Get this letter if
you pleas and let me no how the
3 batt cum out in the fight I learn
that Capt Williams got kild out
of the third Redgment and R P too[?]
badly wounded in the leg if you
have heard let mea no soon and if
you hant heard I want you to rite
any how if your able I am very uneasy
a bout you for fear you are Sick
and cant rite pleas let me hear from
you soon I will close for this time by saying
I still remain your loving and true
husband W I Box untill Death Margret Box

  1. run the blockade = to desert, go AWOL
October 11, 1863


Name Variant: 
W. J.
Co. C, 3rd South Carolina Infantry
Residence (County): 
Laurens County, SC


Residence (County): 
Laurens County, SC
Name Variant: 
Residence (County): 
Laurens County, SC


From State: 
From County: 


To State: 
South Carolina

Transcription/Proofing Info

Bambi Whitaker
Transcription Date: 
July, 2014
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
August, 2014

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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