State of Tenn Bradley Co Aug the 14 AD
my Dear Companion I once moore imbrace the
opportunity of wrighting you afew lines to let
you now that iam well and as well satesfide as
icould exspect to bee in the presant condition
whitch iam plast ihav bin in good heth ever
sence ileft home iam aheap flesher than i was when
ileft home and i hope that istill remane sow for
heth is the best thin in this life my dear wife i
want to See you worse than any body elce in this
world that is you and James iam sary to say to
you that ihant herd from you sence ileft home i want
to her from home very bad iwant to her how the
crops is in our setlment and how the heth of the
setlement is crops her is sary but tha air beter her
than tha was when ileft home ihant saw any rane
a hardley sence i left home tha hav bin rane about in
hering and the helth of the Redgiment is not very good
tha is between two and three huntred reporte sick
every day wee hav lost two sence wee left home
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that inow ov at Chattanooga Jacobs and william keeth [1]
roof harkey got aleter from his wife she sed that [2]
Wm Frankling was ded and that uncl Wash was very
bad off iwas sary to her that he was sick i wrote
two leters to you the first i sent by G W Jones
the other isent by male isaw Nute [?]ed at alana [3]
his Companey as wee past along the rode nute come
to our camps at chathanooga he sed theat tha left
John [?] Naris in the hosptle abov tupaloo Miss
I hav wrote one leter to Pap and one to sister Elizebeth
Gilpen iwant to her from all of my conection and
yours too i dremp of being with mat and Sarah
last knight ithot that wee was at meeting some
where John Dodson and Jams campt clost to our
camps anite or two but ididant see thim James was
in the hospitle on top of the look out Mounten
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Fannia I want you to make mee some Clothes I want one pair
of Janes Pants one duble brest vest and my uniforme
Cote and my over cote and one pair of socks this all
for winter that is if you can make thim handy
the Capten talks of senden some one home after
Cloths and a pair of glovs ihate to send for i
now that you hav anoff to do with out it but
inow that you dont mand it if you hav time and
air able dont you send any thing by now pursain
that you think wont do if any body of our compny
Comes after thim let ham hav thim put my
name on my Clothes if any of our Compney
that is thar you can send thim by thim send
mee another blanket if you can get mee another
pair of shoos made send thim to mee ibleve
that is all at this time turn over on the
other side
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wee air in Charlston tenn Bradle Cty clost to the
highwasa River ithink that wee will stay her agood
while wee hant got now arms yet nor wee hant
droad any money tha talk like we will get it
be foure long ihav looked for Wm and John for
a week ifear that som thing is the mater with
thim wee air about fifty Milds from Chattanooga
tell pap and mother hody for mee tell thim
to wright to mee and tell Pet and Hatty i
want thim to wright to mee two i wood bee
glad to see a dog from home the north and south
is exchanes in prisners and the telegreph sen that
stonewal Jackson was a wopen the yankys bad
at Richmon my loving wife iwant you to
wright as soon as you get this leter sow good
by for this time Wm R Jones To Mary F Jones
- Pvts. Mamre Jacobs and William Keith
- Cpl. Rufus Harkey
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