the State of ala Mobile County June the 27
dear wif i Set mi Slf down to rit you
a fu lines to let you no that i am well
at this time hoping thes fu lines ma find
you well and all the rest mi dear brother has
departed from this world and h k baker dead and
h g emmrson tha low is atakin the feaver
i have nothing god to rit i doant think
with out i nod we wood all get back to good
homes and se our dar litle famles i wont to se you
the worst in this world and i hope i wil
Se you in about fifteen or twenty dase i
cant hear good andrew clines the first
lutenont told me this morning he wod git
me a dis charg ef he cod hit wil tak him
Severl das to git fixt i hope hit wil be
fixt all the bois Ses i ort to hav one
[Page 2]
James baker has a dis charg and i hop i wil
git on[e] and git back home for home is the grate
plase in this world James Poe rote to me a
bout baring sum corn rodah you lone the [1]
corn out onley woht you think wil tak to do
you he sed he wod pay hit back this fol
and that wil Sot me he Sed ef i wonted eny
thing don for you or eny of the thing to rit to
him and he wod it wos and he wod do eny thing [2]
i wonted don ef he wonts eny more corn
let him havit ef you hav got it to spair
hand this to rodah So i must com to a close
for iam weak and trimble i wont you to rite
as son as this com to hand i got but won
leter from you mi dear wife mi love to you
wil never end William S Poe to rodah Poe
- baring = borrowing
- and he written above wod