The Sate of alab Mobiel County July 19 1862
dear fother mother and brother and sister i set mi self down
to rite you a fu lines to let you no that i am
Som beter than i wos when i rote to you be
fore i hope when tis this com to hand hit
wil find you all well mother i am sory to
her that you did not git the leters that i rote
to you mother i rite you all aleter
evry weak and i hav rot Jim severl and
and C M Severl Jim i got won leter from you
and nare won from C M tel them to rit to me ef
tha please for i do lofto her from you all of
them mother you wonted me to how rit what
brother gorge sed be fore he dide Mother i
wil tel you as ni as i can f[r]om the first he
told me i had Jest got the first leter from Rhoda wos
dated the 6 June and we had red hit hed[?]d a day or
he Sed to me let me Se your leter and i hand hit
to him and he red hit after a litle he Sed bil
we mst do betr and axt i hadan bin
trinto do betr and i told him i had for i thout
that hit wos tim for us to do beter and the
next day i think it wos he told me that god
had for giv him of all of his Sin and he wos going to
heavon and he told the lades and he wontol
babtise and tha Sent for a minster of the gospil
and he come and toak with him he told the mineste
he wonto be babtise and batise him and gorge
perd like he wos will Satsfid and after that he tol
me wos willing to fur he wos going to rest
dide as easy as as you eny bod going to sleap he
his drors and sox put on him and a fine
shirt and ropet in a winding sheat and put in
a cofen went with then bury him and the grav
wos not don and the minster tol a pra hit wos giting
dark then and [wos?] sick and tha card me back W Poe J Poe
[Page 2]
mi der wife a fu word to you i am beter
than i wos when i rote to yo be for i hope
when tis com to hand hit wil fin you well
the bois is no[t] well william rogers i[s] dad and i
doant dout but whot he is at rest rhoda
ef i wos with you icod tl you things that you
of it i hav Sene Sits and herd noise rhoda
i nverdid wont to Se eny body haf as bad
as i do wont to Se you and i hop and
trus to the lord i will you must cape in as [1]
good hart as you can for i Still think i
wil git back to you but hit lox lik a
bad chance but i put mi trust in the
good won to take car fo me ef i do git back [2]
i think thar i sta t[i]l i am tuck a way i feal
like i wos od from all the rest her i hant
never dril non sen her i hav bin nor i doent
wonto two i wod give whot litle we hav got [3]
to be back with you i dont se se i minit
Satsfaxion her i wil be glad when i will
So the day to leav her to re turn to you
mi dear i trid morning to git me a discharg
but i dont no wherth i wil or not but i
wil cap atring rhoda cap in as good hart [4]
as you can i wil rit to you ina fu
dayes i wont you to rite as Son as you git this
ef i do git a dis cherg i wil rit the most of over
me think i wil git a dis charg but i cant Sa
i wil cap this 50 dollars tel i no Somthing more
a bou it tel mother i wil feld fetch gorges thing
fe i git to com i wil no in a weak or 10 dase you
rit and all the rest so i must com to a close
So fare well to you all tel i her from
you a gan William S Poe to rhoda Poe
- cape = keep
- fo = of
- wonto written above two
- cap = keep