April the 26 [1862]
Halls Mill Ala.
Dear Cosen I take up my pen in hand the plesent eaving to rite you a
few lines whitch leaves me well at this time and I do hope this ma find
you well I receved your letter last nite and was glad to hea from you and
to her that the others boy was well we ind be thankful that tha ar yet a live
for I an them ar expose to sickness and balls and all that man can indure
but I no that god is able to take us thru all tha safe if hit is his will
you must tell uncle that I think he might of rote to me as hit only Cost
ten sense to send a letter to me I wont you to rite to Gorge and tel him to
rit to me as I dont no whare he is tel and [1] Jane that I shod like to se her
and tell Cosen Coon to rite to me I must C[l]oss rite soon to me tel unce to
rite to me and all tha will to rite
J B Athey
Emly Athey to Em Emly Athey
Though every joy Around the smile
And many A faithfull friend you meet Though love may cheer life dreary
way, And turn the biter cup to Sweet Let memory some times bear the luck
To other things almost forgot And when you think of other firends Who loves
the well for get me not
J.B. Athey
J H B Athey
B J Athey
tomas G Athey
G M Athey
Cosen Emly Athey J B Athey to Emly Athey
I have nothing else to rite at this time.
uncle you must rite to me and ant Jane I have nothing to
rite abot the next time I will try to rite more to Halls Mill
April 22
- and = aunt