November 22nd 1862
Tarboro Edgecome County NC
Dear father
It is with the gratest plasure
I Seat my self to drop you
a few lines to let you know
that I am well at present I
have had the yelow janders
but I am well of them now and
hoping when these few lines come
to hand that they may find you
all well Nathan James & Wyatt is
in the Hospitel we get plenty to
eat we was on a mach fifteen or
Sixteen days and Sometimes
marched of a night we marched
four or five days through the
rain mud Snow and water
without tents or any thing
at all to ly under we had
to ly down on the ground to
Sleep we ly on our guns
expecting a fight every moment
some of our boys ran and in
fact the most of them ran
and some of them lost their
guns and their knapsacks
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but I didnot ran I Stood my ground
and did want the yankeys to come
as long as we was prepaird for
them and went their to meet them
Wyatt and I have drawn Shoes
Dear father I am sorry to inform
you that James is ded he died
November 22nd I never heard that he
was dead until I wrote the other
side of the letter they told me
that james died with the Dispepsy
of blood they sed that he died
very easy and if you want to come
after him you had better come
pretty quick we was going to bring
him home but the [???] would not
let us go with him we could hav
sent him to Raleigh but their
was no way to get him home fro
Raleigh he will be buryed this
evening we are going to the burying
Wyatt is very low with the feaver
and William Gunter is very low
I must close letter this November 23rd
Thomas Cotton is dead
Elbert Carpenter
To his father Solomon Carpenter