

State of Va. Aug the 24 1861.
Dear Brother
I seat my Self this evening for the purpos
of ansering your kind leter whitch we
recived “the day forgoten” give us mutch
sadesfaction to here from you all an to
here that you ware all well, I should
be glad to here from you all again
I should be glad if you would
com an bring som cider an whiskey I
rather hav cider than any thing you cood
bring. I an Sid are not well but
up about we have ben very low for some
time, we recived your money that you
sent to us, we was glad to recive it
for I had none at all not anuf to
send a leter, I hav ben sow sick that
I cood not write, I would be mity
glad to see you all an tell you som
of our troubles an suferns.
I wish you cood be with us a while
to see how we fair Miss York has ben
here about a week she tends to us all
like a mother, I want to no where [1]
[page 2]
you have made any cider or not
if you have I should like to have
som of it for I hant drunk a drop
this year, Mr H. Mulhalon an Mr
Wm A Barber an Mr Wm Batchlor leves
here on the 22 of Aug thay hav wated
on us like a father. It would be a
grate plesure to me to see you all
an stay with you a whil I want som
cider worse than any thing in the world
it looks like you mite com for your
expence would only be about $15 dollars
an if I was there I would give twenty
to com I should like to see you an
papy coming up with a long runlet [2]
of cider Just from the pres, I am very
well sadisfid when I am have my helth
but when I get sick [I?] want to com
home an stay untill I get well.
you dont no how glad I would be to
com an stay with you about a week
an tell som of my big lyes I. S. Upch[urch]
I hant had a bit of water milion
this year I crave cider an water milion
more than any thing in the world it
looks lik I would giv most any thing
in the world if I cood get one bate
of cider an water milions.
[page 3]
Tell diley I should lik to see her
very well. I should like to help you
eat peaches I want som of[f] of that
tree stands in the old well if you
pleas sav me one an bring it to me
when you bring that cider what makes
me talk so shor[t] I think you will bring
it, you an papy can fix a box
an put such things in it an com with it.
I dont want you to send it thout [3] you
com with it an if you com I want
you to bring me a hat I havent got
time to write mutch but I hope yoo will
bring me a pech of[f] of that tree an
som of your best sweet cider if I cood
get a blly full of cider an peches I think
I should be redy to die.
I must com to a close by saing write
to me as soon as you get this.

Be sure an bring me som cider
an peches box them up in a strong
box so that thay may keep good.
Direct your leters to manases Junction
NC State Trups 6 infintry company I
in care of capt R. W. York

your affectionit B. G. T. Beavers
[page 4]
Ps we expect a fight in a day or
to thay hav advanced on both sids
untill thay cant have no picket
gard thay are so near each other

  1. where = whether
  2. runlet = small keg or cask
  3. thout = without
August 24, 1861


Co. I, 6th North Carolina Infantry


Co. G, 16th North Carolina Infantry
Residence (County): 
Chatham County, NC


From State: 
From Municipality: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Andrea Cudworth
Transcription Date: 
September, 2011
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
October, 2011

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
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