

Camp near Richmond Va
Aug the 2 1862
Dear Brother I. S. Upchurch
I this morning Seat
my Self to let you no that I am well at this time an
hope these few lines may find you all in the same state
of helth , I receved your kind an affection leter the 2
of this month an it gav me grate sades faction
to hear that you all was well as you was
I am now at the hospital wating on the sick
Sam Jinkins S Lewter [1] is very low Winship
upchurch is sorta poly but not dangerus I dont
think Sam will soon get well [rack?] is well
you say that you wish that I wood get a discharge
“can you fly henes” if you can maby I can get a
discharge, I would by very glad to com home an
stay but there is no chance for me.
I am sorry that the conscript is called out from
there familes an crop in such a con[??] [page torn]
[w?]hen the work is completed it will [??] [page torn]
[page torn] you say you would be glad to make a fen[ce?]
[??] for me I hope you will hav the chanc of doing
[??] befoer long, but I see no chance of pece
without som other nation interfear which I hop
will befoer long.
I neglected writing for som time but I had
no chance for I hav ben goin for som time to
find an git up the sick from difrent places
I was gon about a fortnite Tell Jackson williams
that his sun is here with us now he looks
well as he cood expect him. Tell [feney?] Lewter
that Sanders is beter than he has bin
for severel days. I tend to them very good
I would be glad to com home to see the
girles an tell them how good I love them
[page 2]
Cant Stand it mutch longer

You state in your leter that there was one of
the conscripts wives cood not stand it mutch
longer if I was there I think I Cood quinch
hir thirst in a short time but she mite
hirt my wind after while
Tell Ben Brasel if he cant kepe them from
talking that way to com an take my place
a litle while I can make them say I
wish tom [2] would go back an let Ben com
I hope the God of heven will spair my life
to com home after pece is made but long
may be the time an lonsom may be the
hours befoer that time will come
I hav not time to write mutch but
tell Fathers folks that I am will an all inquiring
friends if there be any which I think there
is if it is only one. I wood call her nam
[page torn] [??]ld hir father is ded dide befoer I left
[page torn] [?]ite soon to your friend as [page torn]

Richmond hant taken yet

  1. Jinkins, Lewter, and Upchurch were all privates in Co. I, 6th NC Inf.
  2. G. T. Beavers went by his middle name, Thomas
August 8, 1862


Co. I, 6th North Carolina Infantry


Co. G, 16th North Carolina Infantry
Residence (County): 
Chatham County, NC


From State: 
From Municipality: 
From County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Andrea Cudworth
Transcription Date: 
September, 2011
Proof Date: 
October, 2011

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
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