

February the 2 1862
Camp Fisher Nere Dump Frise va [1]
Dear Miss Jane Fisher
I now seat my self
with pleasure to inform you that
I am well at this time
hopen those lines ma com
Safe to hand & find you in
Jouin many good blessing
that this world can ford I
recive youre kind letter in Decm
I wose glad to heare from you
but I wod bea a heap glader
to Sea you but I cant tell
when it will bea now but
I hope we ma mwet swon
a gain in this world but I
am glad if we cant Sea one
a nother we can have the pleasure
of riten to one another I hope
you will pardon the dely of not
riten answere to youre letter
now Soonere I will try to
do beatere fore the time to com
[page 2]
fore we have bin very bisy
a bout put up our Shanty
fore wintery quarters we have
got them up & we live at
the rate of ten days to the
weak we are in the Northern
part of old vagina & I am
in fore duren the wore [2] I
shod like to heare tell of pease
bean maid but still I wod
drother bea a Solger than
to live under old Abe Lincoln
administration tho a soulger
life is a hard life to live but
we are as wel satisfied as you
could exspeck soulgers to bea
you rote that Wm Long
& Miss Emline Fisher wose
a gowin to git mared new
year day I wod like to bin
thare with you all I hope
you all had a hapy time &
tell them I wish them Both
much Joy
[page 3]
I have not for goten the hapy
ours we have Spent to geather
this you sea remember me
tho many miles a part
we have live to sea
eight tewn hundred & sixty
one end tho a good many
of my relation & friends hase
died & gone down to the
lonsome grave but we
cant tell hoo of us will
live to sea eight tewn
hundred & sixty too and
seven of menwhip one hundred
of the yankeys tusday night
last out at ocqon [3] a bout
8 miles from our camp
we have not got no fight
Sence we wose in the battle
at Manass Jouncetion but
we have bin a Specken a
battle heare all this winter
but we have not got no
fight heare yet I under
stand tha had a fight in
[page 4]
Old Kentucky a fue day a go
& oury men kill & drounded
[4?]000 thouson of the yankeys that
is the nus that com to oury
camp I send you my love
& best respects & to all
of inquiren friends I must
com to a close by askin you
to rite to me as soon as this
com to hand I remain yours
Truly lovere untell Death
L. L. Kale
So fare you well Miss Jane Fisher
you tell youre Sister
Mr L. L. Houk is well &
fat & sasy he send here
his love a best respeck & to
all of the rest of you tell
hure I think I will git to
The weden when the ware
Is over tell hure I have Sean
Hure letter that he go[t]
L. L. Kale

  1. Dumfries, Virginia
  2. for the duration of the war
  3. Occoquon River
February 2, 1862


Co. D, 6th North Carolina Infantry



From State: 
From Municipality: 
From County: 
Prince William


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Toni Mitchell
Transcription Date: 
October, 2011
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
November, 2011

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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