March 21st 1864
Camp Near Libe[r]ty Mills v.a.
Dear Father & Mother brothers and
sisters I now seat myself to
answer your kind letter that I
received night before last and was
glad to hear from you all onece
more we had to go on picket
yesterday and did not get back
til this morning so I couldnt rite
any sooner you stated in your
letter that you wanted to know
if I got through safe I did
as a conscript and whoo was
in my mess Abel Miller Frank
[Boleh?] Levi Bullinger and Jonas
Rader we did not get any bounty
or any thing els yet some of the
company drawed some shoes and
blankets Dave Drum had nothing
but one haversack stole from him
[page 2]
it is very cold here now and geting
colder every minit I saw a man
shot last Fryday and I dont want to
see ary other one this morning
about too hours before day we saw
our courier come rideing as hard
as he could and he said we should
reinforce our picket post for the
yankees was a coming but it
was so cold that they did not
and I think wont as long as it
stays so cold so I will close
hopeing to here from you soon
So no more at onley I remain your
affectionate son untill death
From Peter J Peterson
To John Peterson
Direct as before