

Camp Penobscot
Jan 2 1862
Dear Brother
I will
try and write you a
fiew lines to let you
know how we get a long
my cold is some better
we have all got some cold
I was detaled to go on
guard this morning but
didnot have to go on he
detaled a hospittle guard
but didnot have to send
one and for that reason
I didnot have to go and
wasent I glad oh I want
to tell you how they
worked one of the Scillings [1]
when it come his turn
[page 2]
to go on he was sick
just as he always is
and got excused but the
next day he was all
right got well pretty
quick well as it was
cool to day they thought
they would put him on
I dont know as they are
any relation to old
but should think they
wer for they are of about
as much importance as
he is and two twoo
of the biggest shirks there
is ins the Co they all
are glad his is on guard
to day.
it was quit warm
New years comes along
snapping dident it howl
last night it made the
old tent jump some
[page 3]
in the night it
blew the top off of
the funnel and Tuttle [2]
went up this morning
and put it on and it
hadent been on but a
fiew minutes before off
it come again and we
concluded it must as well
go for a while.
well here we are in Augusta
yet and shal stay here
all winter we have borded
the Stables up and patched
the cook house all up
Ill bet we shall nevver
see Dixey while we are in
this show without Butler
takes us to go with
him but I had rather
go than stay here and
freeze to death we havent
got payed off yet
[page 4]
Lowell and Jim have gon
up to town and are
going to get a new
years treat going to get
1 gal of oisters 2 gal of milk
and the rest of the chickings
fixing for a stew and we
are going to have the officers
come in and help us eat it
we are one day late but then
they will tast just as well.
This Tuttle that is down
here is the Tuttles son that
Married Rodey Merrill he
is about sick and has been for
3 or 4 days he hasent been out
of the tent to do any thing
for a day or two. you ask
Roberts if he wont put one
weeke more on and call it good.
does he think that old England
will come now they have let
them traters go guess they would
have to fight old Abes Circus
we havent drilled the Saber
exersize since you wer here
O that pay roll wasent sent to
Washington and therefor they will
pay it all to [???] out some
of you going to send me a new years
Presant or a birth dayes present should
think you mint tell Ellen I will
[continued in top left corner of page 1]
write to her and Mother next
time give my
love to all
the folks
good day

  1. poss. Cpl. Charles Skillings or Bugler Albert Skillings of Co. F
  2. Pvt. John Tuttle of Co. F
January 2, 1862


Co. F, 1st Maine Cavalry
Residence (County): 
Cumberland County, ME


Co. G, 25th Maine Infantry
Residence (County): 
Cumberland County, ME


From Note: 
Camp Penobscot

Transcription/Proofing Info

Heather Messic
Transcription Date: 
November, 2013
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
November, 2013

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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