

Augusta Mar 12
I didnot sleep /1862
any last night my
Dear Brother head ached
and I ached all over
I will
try and write you a fiew few
lines what is going on
down here. well I will
tell you how I found
things when I got here
Charley Walker was at the
Town with Lt. Boothby
he has is sick with a
Rumatic Feaver. well
he said we wer going
the next Morning and
I told him I dident
believe it. yes we should
[page 2]
he said he had got to
stay with the Lt.
but the rest of us should
would certainly go and
I had better go down
and pack up my things.
well I trudged down to
take a squint at the
Calvry well when I got
down to the gate the
guard stoped me. says I
will you let me in
says he have you got a
pass. no says I where is
the Sergent. well he
com to the dore and
sez he have you got a pass.
no sez I. where have you been
sez he. away sick to a private
house go in sez he . and I
made tracks for Cumberland
St. the first that took my
[page 3]
eye was a walk made
of bords it is 4 ft wid
and runs the whole lengt
length of the St. thinks
I Ill try how I can walk
on it. and found it to
be quite an improvement
to walking in the mud
which was on one ride
about 4 in deepe I found
the boys all in the tent
with every thing packed
redy for a start. well sez
they you have got back
just in time to leave
I told them I hoped they
would but I couldent
hardly believe it then
well perhaps I had been
there 1 houre when the Sec Lt.
come and sayed we shouldent
go in the morning they said
[page 4]
they shouldent unpack their
things and so they turned
in with nothing but their
hors blanket but they had
to turn out and build a fire
we are here yet I think if we
go we shal go Saturday
Sunday or Monday dont
think we shal go before that
time and I cant believe yet
that we are at all all tho the
cares are here or a part of them
to take us the reason why
we didnot go was becaus the
trains could not form a junction
with the traines beyond
Ny. York, I have got a cold as
I suspected and my head aches
and my troat is sore and if
you can make this out you will
do well for I feal about [stowed?]
how is little Dear Darling [Bell?]
and Mr Bodingham all well
I hope give my love to her and
tell her that I should like to
bee up there and plague her
a little tell her not to go to
to many places after School is
done give my love to all the
folks write soon if we leave the
letters will be fowered to us
good night A M Brackett
[continued in top and left margins of page 1]
my things are
in the Drs
Mar 13 the
Capt told us
this morning that we should
go to nigh[t] or
to morrow morning so if you hear a train
to night you will know who it is

March 12, 1862


Co. F, 1st Maine Cavalry
Residence (County): 
Cumberland County, ME


Co. G, 25th Maine Infantry
Residence (County): 
Cumberland County, ME

Transcription/Proofing Info

Heather Messic
Transcription Date: 
November, 2013
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
November, 2013

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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