Near Sulpher Spring Sept. 3d 1863
Dear Friend Hattie
as I have nothing
to do just now thought I would
spend a fiew moments writing (scribbleing
I should of said) to you the Reg. is out
on Pickett com in tomorrow and then
we alls going to move camp about ¼ of a
mile we have bin here some time
we moved frome Amesvill here and
stoped about a week then went down
most to Catletts Station stoped there
a week then come backe here again:
I have been taking Whiskey and quinine
eversince we got back here for the Ague
havent had it sinc for some time hope
I shant again while I am in the
Army Horatio stands it pretty well
and so does the old pipe: well there is two
old plugs that I must go and graze.
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well Hat I have grazed the frames and
got supper and eat it and maid my
bed &c. I expect that the Soldiers will
take the shine off of the girls cooking
and the like of that we have some
fancy name for some of the dishes
we get up sich as hungy gungy
now to judg by the name shouldent
you think it aught to be good it
is maid of a little fat and watter
hardbread and sugar it is quite
good it is geting so dark that I
cannot see and as I have got no
lit light shall have to postpone
this untill I have more light on
the subject good night peseant
dreames to youns
Saturday the 5th well Hat this letter has
layed over one day I must tell you what
we wer doing yesterday well the Reg. got
off of pickett before noon then comn commenced
the moved and they kept us at work all
the rest of the day they ar going in big
the horses ar on the top of one ridg
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and the tents ar acrost the road on
another ridg have to fall in every time we
go over to feed the horses or aney thing
Augusta fashion you had aught to hear
the boys yell and the like as we ar
going to and from the horses or stable
as it is called they moved us out
of an oak grove into the open field
and I suppose as soon as we get this
cleared up they will move us some
where else. we ar having cool nights now
it is as much as a fellow can do to
keep warm: I reseived your letter the
first of the week [you?] hot winter
will soon get along you seame to
think you would like to live where it
is warmer than in the old pine state
well Hat I think I had rather live
in our old state if it is rather cold
some times aney way I’d like to get there
this winter I’d try and wake old
sodome up a little oh Hat. dont you think
they have got a story going that we shall
go home this winter but I cannot see it
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Oh dear I wish there was some news to
write but there isent that I know
I wish you could see the Dr.
with his fancy pants they wer rather
to long and he cut the legs off so that
they come about half way from his
knee down or just meat the tops
of the Gov. boots he looks fine I
can tell you write soon and try and
keep Sodom alive if you can and I'll
come and help you by and by good
day excuse all mistakes
your friend Alvin