June 18 1863
Dear Father
I received your kind
and interisting letter from you
which Mother wrote. and recieved that
money and have spent it about all
as I wanted a good many things which
I wanted which cost money out here
we are having pretty hard times of
it now. we are having hard Marches
and poor living we got some bacon
and some wo[r]mey hard bread I cant
think of much to write. the weather
is now very warm and not much
rain. we have just drawed our
raitions. and I got 20 hard bread
for two days and a half of a pound
of salt junck and about as
much as pork. how do you sell
many shingles this summer and
boards. have you sold all
of your boards wood how
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much do you get a cord as
much as you did last summer
does it sell pretty well. please
send me 5 dollars more in the
next letter give my love to all
of the folks so good bye
From your son
Edwin A
let Ella write for
you if you dont feel
like it