

Stafford C.H. Va. jan 14th /63
Dear Wife
Your welcome letter was Recvd
about 10 minuts ago and I hasten to answer
it this evening by candle light as we are under
marching orders to be ready to move at 3 hours notice
with 5 days Rations.. I cannot form any idea where
we are going so I thought I would write when I had
a chance as it may be some time before I will have
another opportunity. I am well and harty as I could
wish. In answer to your letter I will say that you
never wrote any thing about Mrs. Stewart but
the best friends in the world say of each other, she has
no cause what ever to be mad at you As to myself
I know her disposition so well that I could not help
feeling like fight to think she wanted that cused old
likeness. Jeff wrote to me that he stole it and sent it
without her knowing it and she was mad about it so I sent
it back to her with my compliments. As to Dick
In any other circumstances than I am placed at
present I might feel sorry that any such things as we
have writen to each other had hapened, But as I never
expect to see him again or ask a faver of him I care
nothing about it,, He has been a kind friend to me
and I thank him for it, But he commenced the
[page 2]
insults first and I gave as good as he sent
And I read his letter to night of the 4th and read it
And determined in my mind to make no Reply At any
such tirade as that,, I cannot find any language near
enough for the occasion, so I Shall make no attempt
I am away from home, and away from friends, But
will try and take care of myself and you without asking
any favors of any person that is cable of using such
language to me. I am sorry on your account that
matters have taken the turn they have, But what is
cannot be helped I was in hopes you could find a home
with him (and it my be so) but I do not want to give him
a chance any longer to say that you are sponging a living
off of him, but I do not know what is to be done where
will you go! is the next question in my mind. If you
can find any place that you want to go to board I will pay
the Bill willingly. But I will leave you to act as you think
best so let me know as soon as possible. You kneed
not have any fears that I will be angry with you for I have
no cause to do so, you may take Dicks side and think I
am to blame but that is natural you have known him
longer than you have me. And I know he has treated
you well, but how will it be now can he use the wife
of a man he so utterly dispises well (I think not)
You may tell Dick I got his precious document of the [??]
and that he kneed not look for a Reply from me as he will
never get by so doing it may save me the trouble of
getting any more “Muf such,,
[page 3]
For Julia
Stafford C.H. jan 14th /63
Well Jule
yours of the [4th ?] was duley Read.
the only thing I have to Regret about your part of the
letter was that it was found in bad company however
I will look over that this time as I do not think you
will ever get the chance to send another to me in connection
with Dick to me. As I do not see fit to answer
any such abuse as that he gave me. I wrote you
a letter about a week ago in answer to yours, please
excuse me for not writing sooner as I could not very
well. News!!! Our Regt. got a [lift?] of about 100 drafted
men this month, 10 of them in our company. 2 men
of company H wer captured yestarday while pattrolling
the road [between?] pickets one of them was one of the
new men, they wer paroled and sent back the same day
O.B Hall is 7th Corporal of co. d. 6th O.V. cavalry George
Hayes is not very well he has been running down some
time looks hard up, [??] for duty, Tim is Tim but when we
talk of that being [from?] that Dick wrote I cant see it
But let Him “go in I say,, he cant hurt me at this
distance, I am “between” two fires now as I have
Enemies in boath sides of me yet I fear neither of
I have to send this in Mits letter as I have only one stamp
Yours as ever
To Julia Hayes Wm Tell
Fowler Trumbull Co Ohio 6th O.V. Cavalry
[page 4]
Fer D.A.Fell
quarter past ten and to bed I go the Rest in the
morning jan 15th good morning, did not
sleep very well last night as it was to warm
warm enough without Blankets,, splendid weather
here. “Sapers & miners,, are going to work this morning
We get no Hay here for our steeds, only what grain
the Regulations allow (12 pounds a day) and scant at
that, our horses look hard
I will send you a cedar
twige from my bed (just of greens)
part of this letter is for julia you
will please give it to her untill she reads
I wrote to you New years and one letter
since that I have not heard from
Yours as ever
Wm. Tell
To, D.A. Fell

January 14, 1863


Co. D, 6th Ohio Cavalry
private; sergeant
Residence (County): 
Trumbull County, OH


Residence (County): 
Trumbull County, OH


From State: 
From Municipality: 


To State: 
To Municipality: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Kenneth Gardner
Transcription Date: 
February, 2015
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
February, 2016

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