Nov the 25th 1862
Dear Cousin
It is with
the greatest of pleasure
that I take up my pen
to answer your kind letter
of the 19th inst which
reached me on the 23rd
It stated that you
were injoying good health
well that is one of
the greatest of blessings
We are all well at preasent
and I hope that these
fiew lines ma find you
injoying the same great
blessings Well Jane I wrote
you a letter last week
in which I told you that
I was sick well Mary
I dont feal very stout yet
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but I feal well enough
Well Jane you must
excuse me for this is
wash day with me I
am some what sleepy
today fo[r] I only go to
sleep untill twelve oclock
last night as I was on
guard duty and as we
have not got only six
corperals we have to
be on half the day and
off half
We are still ascouting yet
lastnight the captain
and five men went out
feched in a horse that
was marked WJ and
a splended double barreled
gun which had been in
the rebel army The cap
and six men are out
today they went out
[page 3]
for some muskets that
they heard that was in
the neighborhood they
have not returned yet
so I cant tell what luck
they had
You spoke of haveing such
good aples and cider Well
I hope that we will
get there to help you
out and drink for I have
not tasted any cider since
we left camp Lima
I cant tell you when
I will get a furlough
to go home but I think
I will get one this winter
as the colonel says we
shall all have furloughs
this winter
Well Mary I must bring
my remarks to a close
we must try and injoy
[page 4]
yourself please write
soon and tell all my
friends that I will answer
there letters when I get
them So goodbye yours
Truly Henry Johnston
To Mary J Johnston
PS you wanted to know
iff I were satisfyed or not
well I am very well satis
fyed but of corse I would
rather be at home
Home home dearest and happyes
Yours again
Henry Johnston
Tell John that I will
answer his letter when I get