

Camp Adams Bolen green Ky [1] Feb the 17th 1862

Dear and beloved wife it iS with mutch pleasure that
i again embrace the presant oppertunity to pen a fiew lines
to you to let you know that i am well at presant
and hope those fiew lines will find you the
Same i rote you when we left bacon creek and i
did not know then that we ware a going to move
i rote on Sonday and on Sonday knight we got
orders to move and we got reddy and Started
on monday morning before Sun rise and went to
green river and Staid their two days and then
Started for bowling green a distance of 59 miles
and we marched it in less than 2 days and arrived at
bolen green and fired 60 Shells in to the town
and the rebbles run and left the town but they
fired the depo and railroad buildings and a grate
eel of the town and all of their army Stores
they had the place well fortified they are
a Set of cowards they fell back to nashville
a distance of 72 miles they had two trains loaded
with Stores and they burned the cars and all
and they burnt the bridge acrost the big barren
river and also the railroad bridge but i suppose
that you will get the news before this reaches
you for i dont no how Soon i can Send this but i will
right it and hav it reddy to Send the first oppertun[ity?]
the cars will run here in a fiew days
[page 2]
i recieved a letter from you to day and was glad to
here from you once more and glad to learn that
you are all in good health we are now encamped
in the town of bowling green i will Send a union
brest pin in this for al i sent a Shell in my
last and told you to give it to esta and give
hurs to all if you hav done it you can give
this to esta and if not you will give this
to all and i send you a little rebble
money it is sutch as the rebbles used
i got it in bolen green you must keep
it as a keep Sake i donot know how long
we will Stay here i think we will go from
here here to nashville tenasee the boys
are all well and in good Spirets
i think the people will all be surprised
when they get the [news?] of the capture of
bolen green without a fight the rebbles
never fired a gun at us tell Sis that
i was glad to get a letter from hur
tell her She must right as often as
[?] She can and be a good girl and mind
hur ma and tell eugene and atta they
must be good children and i will
bring them Something nice when i come
you must give me all the war news i must
bring my letter to a close direct to camp
Adams Boleden bowlen green good by
for this time right soon L. B. Wort to S.G. Wort

  1. Bowling Green, Ky
February 17, 1862


Co. E, 21st Ohio Inf.
Residence (County): 
Defiance County, OH


Residence (County): 
Defiance County, OH


From State: 
From Municipality: 


To State: 
To Municipality: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Jamie Young
Transcription Date: 
April, 2009
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
August, 2009

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
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