Fort Monro Feb 14. 1864.
dear brother and sisters
i now sit down to write a few
lines to you hopeing that they
will find you all well as they
leave us all at presant. we arived
at the fort yesterday moring
we are inside of it. and are in
good quarters they are built up
chin high with boards an then
a Canvas tent on top we have
regular furnature in it we have
a stove and for in a tent me and
James Elliott is in a tent with
two strangers. i have just been our
to see guard mount it would do
you good to see in the fort. i was
over to the ramparts yesterday
to see the union and the lincoln
guns. i was over to see isac wild
he looks firsrate. some of the
men dont like butler. they Call
him beast butler he is strict
[page 2]
it would take a good forse to take
this fort they say there is
for hundred guns mounted in it
and i gus there is as maney more
lying around in the fort
we get good grub
tell James Elliotts mother
to send him some writing paper
and some envelops and post stamps
and pen. ink. you might send me
some pens and ink we have a good
Captin and leutenant. you direct
your letters Company G 3 pen artilery
Fortres Monro virginnia. tell James
Elliotts mother to give his love to all
the folks. they are very strict
about having the CloseClean
Give my best respects
to all inquiring frends
so no more at presant
from your affectionate brother
Arthur Martin
write soon