June 25th 1863
Dear brother I take the present
opportunity to in form you that
I received your leter and I was very
glad to here of you futher I let you
know that we came to the regiment
yesterday evening I let you know that
when we broke our camp up at brooks
station all the dismounted men were sent
to stafard court house there we got horses again
and from there we marched to
Alexandria there we stayed a short time
then we got again marching orders when
we started of[f] and crossed the petomac
river into maraland then we went
up on the other side the river about
forty miles to gard a bridge we marched
one day and one night before we stopped
and in the morning we came to the
bridge there was a party rebel there
they were formed in line of battle we
were also formed to charge but before
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we came in sight of the rebs they
retreated across the river we then
stayed there two days and two nights
then we started again for alixantria
when we came to that place we
stayed there two days then we started
for our regiment I let you know that
I couldend get any leters while we
were from the regiment and had
hartly to send one of[f] the regiment lies
three miles from alittle town
about forty miles from alexantria
I also tell that I was sick while we
were at stafarts I had head ache and
direar I got meadacine from the
doctor and I got well again
I also tell you know that our regiment
was in two fights during our
absens but there is only one man
wounded in our company
I also did see in your leter about
I dont think that I go to [the?] girls
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if I came home I also let you
know that my money is all
gone the time when I was sick
I spented agood meny by the sutler
and I wish you would sent
a few dollars I do not know
when we will get paid but
I ges we will get paid before
long I also let you know
that I received the postage stamps
wich you sent to me
So I must come to a close
for this time write soon
Peter Boyer to
Daniyel Boyer