

[1] Camp at Bull Run Va
Feb march 2th 18[6]4
Dear Brother Cyrus
I take this preasand
Oppurtunerty to inform you
that i am well at this
Preasand time hoping
Those few lines may
Find you ns all in the
Same state of health
Fuher i Received your last
Letter for some time ago
and coulding get no Chance
To rite until this Evening
Futher we are encamed at
Bull run yet Bud i Do
not know Which Day that
We got to Leave here for
The orders is at Preasand to
keep ourselves ready for to
March in a moments notice
[Page 2]
And i also let you know
That we Received our Box
and i will tell you we
Lived gay on them Sausages
as Long as they Did last
But they Dident last
very long for we havend had
Seen any Sausage Since we
Left home so then we did
Pitch in Pretty ruff. Cyrus
I also let you know that
I Did rote a letter to father
about 3 weeks ago and
Dident Receive no answer
yet of him i Dont know
What the reason he Dont
Write anymore Cyrus i Let
you know that i dont think
I will get free with the
Regiment Bud i Dont Care
I got only 2 years more and
that want go Long anymore
That will pass away like
[Page 3]
Snow along side they
Fire Cyrus Impordance news
are scarce at Preasand
So By this i must Close
Bud Cyrus i want you to
Answer this as soon as
It Comes to hand rite
Soon and Let me know
all the news you know
By this i Sent my best
Respects to you ns all
Remain your Brother
John Boyer
to Cyrus Boyer

This Letter Was ritten By
John E Goshard

&c. Wholesale Redale Dellers
In Harttacke Poarke & beens


  1. Written by John E. Goshard
March 2, 1864


Co. B, 190th PA Infantry
Residence (County): 
Lancaster County, PA


Residence (County): 
Lancaster County, PA


From State: 
From Municipality: 


To State: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Bambi Whitaker
Transcription Date: 
September, 2012
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
November, 2012

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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